Opportunities to work with FishSounds

We are excited you are considering working with FishSounds. The FishSounds team is comprised of researchers from Canadian and American Universities, allowing us to support researchers through several universities and apply for funding from multiple sources. Please see the About Us page for more information on the organizations involved. Below are several ways to work with FishSounds. If any of these interest you, or if you have questions that are not addressed below, please email us.

The novelty of the FishSounds project is evident to those who study bioacoustics, and we are interested in working with these types of people. However, we also want to encourage those not well-versed in acoustics to reach out if they find our project exciting, as there are many ways to explore this topic. Expertise in biology, computer science, data management, science outreach, and policy are all vital to our efforts to expand FishSounds!


We are keen for FishSounds data to be used in various contexts and, when possible, welcome the opportunity to support these endeavours. Collaboration can take many forms, so most importantly, please reach out if you have questions about the project, are interested in aspects of the data, or would like to propose a project. We are especially interested in discussing how the data can be used in graduate theses, for industrial applications, or to contribute to other research projects. We are consistently applying for funding to support projects and welcome the opportunity to expand these applications to include additional collaborators.

Please note: FishSounds follows an inclusive model that acknowledges those who have made the work that we do possible. In some cases, these individuals’ contributions to our projects may not be evident by standard scientific metrics (i.e. first or last authorship), but they are nonetheless vital to efforts. The entire FishSounds team discusses requests to collaborate and decides if they are appropriate and which members are best suited for the collaboration. While capacity limitations and personal interests mean that not all members of the FishSounds team will be involved in every partnership, offers extended only to select team members will not be considered.

Collaborative Funding

We are keen to apply for collaborative funding with external partners. Depending on the specifics of the funding call, these proposals can be led by the partner or a member of the FishSounds team. Potential funding sources include Mitacs Canada, NSERC-Alliance, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Please email us if you are interested in developing a collaborative partnership.

Undergraduate and Graduate Students

We are motivated to support undergraduate and graduate students whenever possible. This commonly involves a thesis chapter or research project using the FishSounds data, with the student being supervised by one of the FishSounds members or by a supervisor at their institution. If you are interested in working with FishSounds as an undergraduate and graduate student, please email us a brief outline of your interests, experience, and how you would like to work with FishSounds.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Completing a postdoctoral fellowship in a collaborative and dynamic research environment is an excellent way to contribute to an outgoing project and explore novel ideas. We are keen to hear from postdoctoral fellows interested in joining FishSounds. Potential funding sources include:

We also encourage prospective international postdoctoral fellows to investigate funding options from their home country that would allow them to work with us remotely or join us in Canada or America. If you are interested in working with FishSounds as a postdoctoral fellowship, please email us an outline of your interests, experience, and how you would like to work with FishSounds.