spectrogram of undefined undefined making the sound FRT


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Salvelinus alpinus (Arctic char)

Sound Name: FRT

Citable References

Bolgan et al. (2018)


Additional References

None Available

Related Measurements

These are aggregate measurements which included either this specific recording or very similar recordings as part of the sample.

Click the information icons next to some measurements to see additional notes or clarifications.

Bolgan et al. (2018)

Cite Measurements
MeasurementMin.MeanMax.ErrorError Typen
5% frequency (Hz) --- 292 1034 338 SD 64
Q1 frequency (Hz) 43 886 1895 385 SD 64
Peak frequency (Hz) 517 1114 1981 334 SD 64
Q2 frequency (Hz) 517 1326 3230 476 SD 64
Q3 frequency (Hz) 861 1874 6934 845 SD 64
95% frequency (Hz) 1378 4670 17097 3435 SD 64
Sound duration (ms) 27 338 1724 363 SD 64
Number of sound units 5 15 44 11 SD 64
Period between units (ms) 3 32 61 22 SD 64