spectrogram of undefined undefined making the sound Irregular


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Sciaena umbra (Brown meagre)

Sound Name: Irregular

Citable References

Picciulin et al. (2013)


Additional References

None Available

Related Measurements

These are aggregate measurements which included either this specific recording or very similar recordings as part of the sample.

Click the information icons next to some measurements to see additional notes or clarifications.

Picciulin et al. (2013)

Cite Measurements
MeasurementMin.MeanMax.ErrorError Typen
Pulse duration (ms) 10 24 60 80 SD 101
Pulse period (ms) 60 130 500 40 SD 101
Pulse peak frequency (Hz) 104 214.1 559 77.5 SD 101
Number of pulses per sound 1 4.2 12 2 SD 101
Sound duration (ms) 160 470 1120 210 SD 101
Pulse repetition rate (Hz) 5.5 9.5 16.38 1.7 SD 101
Sound peak frequency (Hz) 117 253.6 559 85.8 SD 101
Inter-individual sound interval (ms) 30 1250 8950 1760 SD 101
Intra-individual sound interval (ms) 30 1700 8950 2040 SD 101