spectrogram of undefined undefined making the sound Adult Distress Sound


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Argyrosomus regius (Meagre)

Sound Name: Adult Distress Sound

Notes: See Fig. 2 in Pereira et al. (2020) for more information on this sound clip.

Citable References

Pereira et al. (2020)


Additional References

None Available

Related Measurements

These are aggregate measurements which included either this specific recording or very similar recordings as part of the sample.

Click the information icons next to some measurements to see additional notes or clarifications.

Pereira et al. (2020)

Cite Measurements
MeasurementMin.MeanMax.ErrorError Typen
Contains estimated 6 individuals
Sound duration (ms) - Female 97 133 170 29 SD 120
Contains estimated 6 individuals
Number of pulses - Female 12 16 21 3 SD 120
Contains estimated 6 individuals
Pulse period (ms) - Female 7 8 9 1 SD 120
Contains estimated 6 individuals
Peak frequency (Hz) - Female 192 243 286 41 SD 120
Contains estimated 4 individuals
Sound duration (ms) - Male 156 220 341 85 SD 80
Contains estimated 4 individuals
Number of pulses - Male 7 15 22 6 SD 80
Contains estimated 4 individuals
Pulse period (ms) - Male 8 11 13 2 SD 80
Contains estimated 4 individuals
Peak frequency (Hz) - Male 276 305 329 23 SD 80