spectrogram of undefined undefined making the sound Growl


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Chelidonichthys lastoviza (Streaked gurnard)

Sound Name: Growl

Citable References

Amorim and Hawkins (2000)


Additional References

None Available

Related Measurements

These are aggregate measurements which included either this specific recording or very similar recordings as part of the sample.

Click the information icons next to some measurements to see additional notes or clarifications.

Amorim and Hawkins (2000)

Cite Measurements
MeasurementMin.MeanMax.ErrorError Typen
Sound duration (ms) 52.9 1069 3149.9 775.6 SD 41
Pulse duration (ms) 2.9 4.7 7 0.6 SD 372
Total number of pulses 30 100.7 188 54.5 SD 9
Number of groups of pulses 3 36.5 94 25.2 SD 39
Number of pulses per group 1 2 13 1.3 SD 372
Pulse period (ms) 2.3 3.8 6.3 0.6 SD 251
Group period (ms) 6.8 23.2 64.9 10.2 SD 358
Peak frequency (Hz) 304 555.1 1018 125.4 SD 372