Underwater Sounds Produced by Males of the Blenniid Fish, Chasmodes bosquianus



Species Identified

Sound Detected

Examination Types




Sound Types Detected


Passive Feeding

Other Passive

Additional Details

Full Description

"Synchronized with the head-shakes described above, the Chasiiiodes male emits low-pitched grunting or thumping sounds. These sounds can be detected only during courtship and are produced only by males. Sound spectrograms (Figure 2) of these sounds show them to be non-harmonic, with component frequencies ranging from below 100 cps to 450 cps. Occasional peaks of up to 600 cps were recorded. About 80(% of the sound energy is in the 80 to 180 cps range and a secondary energy peak is at the 310 to 340 cps range. The latter is present during the second 10 milliseconds of the sound. The duration of the sounds averages 155 milliseconds, with a range of 120 to 190 milliseconds. The over-all sound amplitude is highest for the first 20 milliseconds, dropping rapidly toward the end. The intensity of the sound field is very low-only slightly above the noise level of the instruments used in detection and amplification. The sounds cannot be heard without amplification and could only be detected by the present equipment when the hydrophone was placed 8"to 12"from the male. The order of magnitude of the sound field is below one microbar (dyne per square centimeter) in pressure, and the closest estima the equipment would permit is a range of 0.5 to 0.8 microbar."

". In most observations, the sounds were produced at one to two second intervals. Occasionally a burst of three or four sounds would be produced in quick succession, if the female approached the shelter."

Observation Environment Quotes

"Specimens of Chasmodes were collected in the vicinity of the Cape Haze Marine Laboratory, located on Gasparilla Sound, a few miles north of Placida, Florida. Males were kept singly, each in a five-gallon tank, supplied with running sea water. Small conch shells were provided as shelters for each male, and, after a few days of isolation, a female was placed in the tank. The hydrophone was placed in the tank a few minutes before the female was introduced."

Behaviour Description Quotes

"Synchronized with the head-shakes described above, the Chasiiiodes male emits low-pitched grunting or thumping sounds. These sounds can be detected only during courtship and are produced only by males."

Sound Name Quotes

"Synchronized with the head-shakes described above, the Chasiiiodes male emits low-pitched grunting or thumping sounds. These sounds can be detected only during courtship and are produced only by males."

Observation Environments


Behaviour Descriptions


Sound Names

Grunt Thump

Included Diagrams
